Unfurl your body to disperse the energy

By the end of this lesson:

  • You should be able to unfurl your body along the ground, essentially, ending in a resting position. This is the end of the fall.
  • You should have 5 different options to choose from:
    • down the centre
    • arm glide to the left
    • arm glide to the right
    • crescent roll to the left
    • crescent roll to the right

There’s many ways to do this, so try each of these three options, and see which one works best for you.
Remember: Everyone is built differently so this may look different in your body than it does in the example videos, and one of these methods will likely be easier for you than the others are. Ideally, you start with one that's easy for you so that you can get familiar with the concepts. As you gain confidence, you can repeat this course and try other versions.

In each of the upcoming options:
- make your way to a lying down position,
- with ease and flow
- gently placing each part of your body on the ground.

option one (1): Rolling Down The Back

You can roll straight down the center. However, that's uncomfortable for some folks, so you can also try shifting slightly to one side or another so that you are rolling along your ribs, rather than your spine. With both methods, be mindful about how you place your head on the ground. It's shockingly easy to give yourself a concussion.

rolling down the centre:

rolling down the back, just off-centre:

option two (2): Go To The Side, Arm glide

When you Unfurl to the side there's two versions I recommend. In this first one, you use your torso muscles to lower yourself. Your arm glides along the ground for extra support. Notice that you're not falling onto straight arm or directly onto the wrist. The arm is just there for a little extra help.

option three (3): Go To The Side, Crescent Roll

In this second option to the side, you make your torso into a c-shape, and roll down the side of your body. Your arms are out of the way. In both options to the side, you can rest your head on your arm when you're done!


(In case you haven't already been doing so) try all of these options. Try the Unfurling to the side on both sides, if possible. You will likely find that one version is easier for you than others. Stick with that one for now as you learn the whole fall. Come back and repeat this exploration any time you want to expand your skillset to include the other options.

Once you're starting to get a handle on that, proceed to the second lesson. ➡️

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